HectoDNS | server configuration

The simplest configuration

This configuration allows to start a server listening UDP port 53 that resonds with SERVFAIL on each submitted request.

server {
    listen = ":53"
    proto  = "udp"

Core configuration

Syntax: server_shutdown_timeout = "duration"

Default: server_shutdown_timeout = "0s"

Configures a timeout for a graceful shutdown of server. When the duration expires, hectodns will close connections to facilitate shutdown.

Syntax: server { ... }


Sets configuration for a server.

Server configuration

Syntax: listen = "address:port"

Default: listen = ":53"

Sets address and port for IP for a on with server will accept requests. An address may also be a hostname, for example:

          listen = ":53"
          listen = ""
          listen = ":5353"
          listen = "localhost:5353"

Syntax: max_conns = number

Default: max_conns = 0

Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a single server. By default, there is no limit on maximum connections.

Syntax: proto = "udp"|"tcp"|"http"

Default: proto = "udp"

Sets the communication protocol of the server.

When "http" is set, the DNS queries over HTTP will be used.

Syntax: request_timeout = "duration"

Default: request_timeout = "0s"

Sets the maximum duration for processing the request. A timeout of zero means to timeout.

Syntax: resolver "name" { ... }


Sets configuration for a resolver plugin. Resolvers is a sequence of resolution plugins that are sequentially polled in order to retrieve a response on the processing request.

Sytax: resolver_directory = "path"

Default: resolver_director = "$cwd"

Sets the working directory for resolvers, when specified server searches the executable in the given path, otherwise a current working directory will be used